To bring people into a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus, to nurture them to spiritual maturity and to equip them for their ministry, so that the Lord is glorified.


A church in which no one will be left out


Concerning the New Testament, there are some who say that the only Lord in Jesus was the Lord God. In other words, Jesus isn’t Lord within himself, but only on the basis that God, being the only Lord, entered him.

However, according to scripture, this position is actually a denial that it was God who made Jesus Lord (1Tim 1:1, Acts 2:36) (See also: Acts 20:21; Rom 1:3, 5:1, 11, 21). (Acts 2:36) “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

Note: One must understand the differences between the Hebrew and Greek translation/transliteration of our English word Lord and how it is used in the Bible (KJV).

The LORD God (Yahweh Elohim) possessed the title of Lord (Adonai) from ancient times. Adonai is applied exclusively to Yahweh (the LORD God).

The title applied to the Messiah in Psalms 110:1 is “Adoni” (my lord). While Adonai (Lord) is exclusively God’s title, Adoni (my lord) is never used of God. It is always used in reference to a human or angel.


One faith is a matter of what it is that you believe in. Whether people obey or disobey God is a matter of their regard or disregard for the word of God. The only possible way for us to be united as Christians is to follow the plan of God as contained in the Bible, that is speaking where the Bible speaks and by remaining silent where the Bible is silent (1 Peter 4:11).

No one in the Bible was ever asked, “Are you Protestant or Catholic?” for such did not exist. No one asked, “To which faith do you belong?” for there was only one faith (Ephesians. 4:5). This “one faith” is the message of the gospel or the Word of God. The “one faith” is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:15; Titus 1:4; 2Peter 1:1). In other words, this “one faith” is the very heart of the gospel, for it is the power of God to them that believe (Romans 1:16-17).


What we have to understand, and be aware of, is the fact that when speaking of baptism (or being baptized) it can mean one thing in one passage and mean something totally different in another passage. The difference is usually a matter of one of three preposition words or phrases following the word baptized:
To Be (1) “Baptized with,” (2) “Baptized in the name of,” and (3) “Baptized into”
Baptized with: To be baptized with usually denotes that a specific type of baptism is being identified (baptized with water, with John’s baptism, with the Holy Ghost, etc. – Mark 10:38; Luke 12:50; Acts 1:5, 11:16, 19:4)

Baptized in the name of:
Normally this phrase indicates the authority of, or by whose authority something is being done. Peter baptized in the name of (by the authority of) Jesus, (Acts 2:38) and that authority Jesus had came from God (Mat 28:18; John 12:49-50; 1Cor 1:12-13)
Baptized into:
This phrase (into) indicates under the leadership of an individual (or group), an idea, movement or purpose (Acts 19:3; Gal 3:27; Rom 6:3-4).